About Me

I started training for my last triathlon last year because my New Year's goal was to "step outside my comfort zone," and I figured, what's more outside my comfort zone than a triathlon? I was a compentent swimmer, in that, I wouldn't drown under normal circumstances, hadn't biked since I was ten, and while I had run cross country in high school, even then, I was one of the slowest runners on the team. Well, in finishing my first triathlon, I discovered not only a new hobby/addiction, but a lot about myself. What follows are my ramblings about what I've found.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One of those weeks

So I've been having one of THOSE weeks. Nothing in particular went wrong. A slight disagreement with something I ate caused me to miss my long run scheduled on Sunday. It wasn't gross, bad sick, just blah.
Ordinarily, I would make up, at least some miles on Monday, my scheduled rest day. But I had to drive to Alabama for work. Didn't get home until after 8 pm due to an interstate closing wreck. Tuesday night was a professional society meeting of which I am Vice President. I really couldn't in good conscience skip the first meeting of the year. 

So finally, last night, I had time to work out. Of course it's raining, so running is out. But I did manage 30 minutes of biking on the trainer. It's something. Tonight is my boyfriend's dad's birthday, which means I can't make it to swimming, but can at least run I'll probably have to cut the run short. But it's something. And at least it's a pretty day. 

The take-away from this week, is that it's still early in my training plan. Missing a couple runs, even long runs won't make or break my race. The trick is to make sure that I get back on track, and don't let one bad week completely derail the following weeks. 

On a side note, I found a great use for that one banana that you never quite get to eat and has turned black (it doesn't matter if I buy three bananas, or five- somehow, there's always just one leftover. Not quite enough for banana bread). 

Banana Corn Muffins (from Cookinglight.com)
  • one very ripe banana
  • one 8 oz. box of corn muffin mix
  • 1/2 cup milk
Preheat over to 350. Mash banana. Mix all three ingredients. Spoon batter into muffin pan, lined with paper cups (I actually just sprayed the pan with PAM since I didn't have paper cups- it worked fine). Bake for 20-22 minutes. I would think you could probably use a bread pan too, and it would work fine. Might have to play with baking times a little though. 

Turned out really well. So well that I ate almost all of them. Not my best moment of moderation.