About Me

I started training for my last triathlon last year because my New Year's goal was to "step outside my comfort zone," and I figured, what's more outside my comfort zone than a triathlon? I was a compentent swimmer, in that, I wouldn't drown under normal circumstances, hadn't biked since I was ten, and while I had run cross country in high school, even then, I was one of the slowest runners on the team. Well, in finishing my first triathlon, I discovered not only a new hobby/addiction, but a lot about myself. What follows are my ramblings about what I've found.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Got back home this last weekend. It is sooooo nice to be home. Being away for so long made me realize just how much I appreciate being at home. This is something I've always known about myself. I don't really like being away from home. I love to travel, and vacations are fun, but I'm always ready to go home. And extended travel for work? Definitely ready to come home by the end.

It also reminded me how much I HATE running on treadmills. The area my hotel was in was not exactly "jogger-friendly." It wasn't a bad area, just on a main highway, with no sidewalks. I managed to run a few times during the week- most weeks anyway, and at least once on the weekends. My job in the field consisted of standing around (it's more technical than that, but physically speaking, I was standing around all day). It's amazing how much just standing all day wears you out though. So, I'm pretty impressed with myself that I managed to get any runs in at all.

Since I've been back, I've biked (on my trainer, since it's a billion degrees out, and I'm not at all aclimatized to GA summer after being away), and swam. It felt so great to do something besides running. I really didn't want to get out of the pool today. I can't wait to take my bike off the trainer and actually ride this weekend either. Seriously. So excited.

I have a sprint in a couple weeks, and it's an exciting race for me, because one year ago, it was my first triathlon ever. I'm interested to see how different it feels to do the race with some experience under my belt, and how much difference that, and better training will make in my time. Then, after the race, I start serious training for Beach to Battleship in October. So all in all, it's going to be an interesting late summer and fall. Can't wait!

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