About Me

I started training for my last triathlon last year because my New Year's goal was to "step outside my comfort zone," and I figured, what's more outside my comfort zone than a triathlon? I was a compentent swimmer, in that, I wouldn't drown under normal circumstances, hadn't biked since I was ten, and while I had run cross country in high school, even then, I was one of the slowest runners on the team. Well, in finishing my first triathlon, I discovered not only a new hobby/addiction, but a lot about myself. What follows are my ramblings about what I've found.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Pet Peeve of Mine

Lately something that gets said to me a lot, when I talk about my training, has started to bother me. It seems to happen most at work, but I've gotten it elsewhere. It's really just a minor thing, but it's really starting to get under my skin. Here's a sample conversation:

Random Colleague: What did you do this weekend
Me: I raced in a sprint triathlon on Sunday (or hell, a 5K)
RC: Oh how nice to be young.

I get that I'm young. I get that maintaining exercise fitness gets harder as you get older. But something about that particular statement, makes it seem like they're simutaneously making excuses for themselves, while not acknowledging the fact that I work really hard.

I get up at 5:30 am to fit runs in. I pack my lunch and drive to the gym on my lunch break to get swims in. I sacrifice Sundays with my boyfriend to go on long bike rides (I'm still working on getting him biking with me). I work really hard to find the time to fit in my workouts. And I work really hard to maintain my fitness. When people say something along those lines, sometimes it sounds like, "Oh, you're young, it's not that hard of work."

I do realize that that is probably not what their intended meaning is. Although sometimes, if I'm feeling particularly fiesty, I'll just reply with something like, "Well, my Mom did X triathlon with me."

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. race your race, fight your fights.. and forget the rest. You are AWESOME! I'm doing the sprint tri on Sunday too :) Best of luck to you!!
