About Me

I started training for my last triathlon last year because my New Year's goal was to "step outside my comfort zone," and I figured, what's more outside my comfort zone than a triathlon? I was a compentent swimmer, in that, I wouldn't drown under normal circumstances, hadn't biked since I was ten, and while I had run cross country in high school, even then, I was one of the slowest runners on the team. Well, in finishing my first triathlon, I discovered not only a new hobby/addiction, but a lot about myself. What follows are my ramblings about what I've found.

Friday, February 25, 2011

New Shoes!

I have always been a shoe-aholic. For as long as I can remember, buying new shoes was super exciting. Any kind of shoe. I even got excited to buy new field boots for work. I like buying new clothes, but only so I would have something to wear with my shoes.

But new running shoes has always been one of the most exciting shoe purchases. Yes, new high heels are pretty, but let's face it, I don't wear them all that often. My running shoes have 400-600 miles on them in 6 months. A new pair is a new running buddy, new fashion accessory (yes, I do believe running shoes are fashionable!), a new piece of sports equipment, all rolled into one new shoe purchase.

I spent my lunch break trying on what seemed like every pair in the store (on a related note, why do shoe manufacturers have to change the models all the time? I loved my last pair, but when I tried them on again, they fit differently) and finally found the perfect pair.  A shiny new set of Yankz for them, and a new pair of running socks rounded everything out.

Today is a rest day, but I can't WAIT to run tomorrow!

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