About Me

I started training for my last triathlon last year because my New Year's goal was to "step outside my comfort zone," and I figured, what's more outside my comfort zone than a triathlon? I was a compentent swimmer, in that, I wouldn't drown under normal circumstances, hadn't biked since I was ten, and while I had run cross country in high school, even then, I was one of the slowest runners on the team. Well, in finishing my first triathlon, I discovered not only a new hobby/addiction, but a lot about myself. What follows are my ramblings about what I've found.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rush Hour Run

Gotta love running at rush hour. There are so many stoplights around my house, and I have a love-hate relationship with them. Sometimes they come at just the right time when I'm gasping and love an excuse to stop. And sometimes, they come at the worst possible moment, when I'm just hitting my stride and stopping throws me all off.

I recently got a fancy new smartphone, and one of the greatest things about it, is the MyTracks app. It tells me my distance, speed, min and max elevation, and best of all, total time, and moving time. So I can see how much time I waste waiting at stoplights. Usually it's just a minute or two. Tonight, almost 5 minutes.

Other than the wasted time, it was a good run. Put in a good solid 4.5 miles. Was tired at first, but found my stride about halfway through. But it's so nice out, and it felt great to be outside. The last mile was tough though. The route I took required me to run past my house to get that last mile in. Took all I had not to cut the run short at 3.5 miles.

On a slightly related moment, I definitely am getting new shoes this weekend. My joints feel beat up from the pounding.

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